Monday, December 8, 2008
Final thoughts on Feldenkrais class (ending this week)
Finally I am learning to really imagine myself going through the motions when I physically can’t and I can really see the benefits of doing so! It really seems to help when I want to correct my posture but I feel too tight to open my chest up- I am able to walk around while imagining my shoulders pulled back & feel like I’m making physical progress!! Final thoughts: Before this course I had read a LOT of books: pain management, self care for RSI, mind body stuff, posture correction stuff and tons of physical therapy exercise handouts. I have tried everything I’ve read and then find myself in pain, if not immediately, later. I am more mindful of what my body is doing when I think I’m not doing anything that requires effort. Before I was just anticipating pain when I consciously exerting effort. I think I’ve got a great combination going on now: I am practicing w/in my limits by identifying my stretchpoints (from Sharon Butler’s book: Conquering Carpal Tunnel and other Repetitive Strain Injuries) and I am incorporating some posture exercises. I am able to do these more effectively because I’ve developed my awareness of my habits and I can make choices to relax the parts that are in holding patterns, I’m asking myself if I can do X a different way that would take less effort and overall I am more aware the improvements I can make throughout the day. I wouldn’t say I’m cured but I can see how Feldenkrais has opened up new doors w/in myself and I hope to continue with these lessons.
Repetitive Strain Injuries,
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