Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Workers' Comp Information & Assistance LEGAL HELP

Did you know that if you don't have an attorney, they have a free service called the Information & Assistance Unit that has officers on hand to answer your questions pertaining to the legalities of the WC system? There are 24 offices in California and the link to those phone numbers are here.

I've posted about this before but I recently talked to another injured Californian that did not know about this FREE service. I have used it on several occasions by going to a Workshop, calling for help and even going down in person to have specific questions answered. I would advise you to have specific questions written down before talking with an officer an keep them limited to WC issues only. That's their area of expertise- not Social Security or Long Term Disability.

California Division of Workers' Compensation:
http://www.dir.ca.gov/ and Info & Assistance


Another thing to try is contacting a lawyer with your questions, you might get a response. It a total long shot but it could work even if this lawyer knows he or she won't take the case, they could take the time to answer a question or two..... Just don't hold your breath!!

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